ND-Center.com offers C-Gold as a payment option

During the research that we put into our fake diploma website reviews, we sent several requests to ND-Center.com asking to pay for our product, at which point they replied back to us via email with the following methods: Western Union (Payments processed within 8-24 hours) In the case of Western Union you can visit your … Read more

Fake Diploma Verification

Is Fake Diploma Verification legal and how can I find it?

We’ve had a few people write us asking us to check into verification services being offered by DiplomaXpress.com. Although, there are probably multiple companies that offer this service, at the time of our reviews, DiplomaXpress was the only company to do so. They also marker fake transcripts with verification too.

Although, we did not personally pay for such services, we were curious how they were able to legally offer this and what exactly you were getting for your money.

Of course, it doesn’t take a genius to know that verifying that somebody went to a specific school and graduated with a specific degree when you don’t legally represent a school is well, “illegal”. Most companies that offer fake diplomas don’t push this boundary and simply sell you a realistic-looking fake diploma but never go as far as verifying anything or claiming it to be legit. Being sold as a novelty product, this is what one should expect.

That was until I reviewed DiplomaXpress’s website during our initial review process and say what sent up a red flag with some people. DiplomaXpress.com offers a verification service on their website and is pretty clear about it:

Because the vast majority of academic verifications are made by fax, when you purchase our verification service we will include our own U.S. / Canadian toll-free fax number where verification requests can be sent. For customers who purchase transcripts, our toll-free fax verification number will also be included on your transcripts under the registrar contact information which is most often when verifying academic records.

They are correct, in a sense. Nobody can verify your personal records. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (known as the Buckley amendment) that passed in 1974, states that schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record.

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