Top 3 Fake Diploma Shops for February, 2025!
Diploma Company

- Best Site Overall
Buy a Fake Diploma

- Great Value
Phony Diploma

- Excellent Choice
More Fake Diploma Shop Reviews!
NextDayDiplomas.com Review
Not a bad site but customer support is a struggle. The site has minimal ways to contact them which drives a lot of customers I talk to nuts! The product is OK but not up there with the likes of let’s say a Diploma Company or a Phony Diploma or a BuyaFakeDiploma.com for that matter. Still they are legit and fair and I have issues recommending them.
DiplomasandTranscripts.com Review
Current DiplomasandTranscripts.com Rating as of February, 2025: Pros Cons QUALITY OF WEBSITE Overall, I really enjoyed reviewing this website. It’s clean, easy to navigate, and has a great FAQ section which answered all of our initial…
ND-Center Review
#6 Ranked Fake Diploma Site of 2025! Pros Cons At first, it was a major pain in the butt just trying to get an order to go through. My first few tries were completely ignored and…
Diploma-Makers.com Review
#5 Ranked Fake Diploma Site of 2025! Pros Cons Customer Service Diploma-Makers.com has phone, email, and chat support options which makes it more customer-friendly than ND-Center or NextDayDiplomas.com. In our own personal experience, there was quite a long…
Latest Website News
Diploma-World.com is out of business!
I have just gotten word from several people that Diploma-World.com is no longer in business. This was a shock to us because we actually spent time to purchase products from them and grade them on overall quality, customer support and shipping like we do all our sites. They actually ranked very well. They were not…
December 2013 Phony Diploma Update
In an effort to keep you up to date with fake diploma websites, we here at FakeDiplomaReview.org wanted to update you on the recent changes that have been launched on the website PhonyDiploma.com. PhonyDiploma.com, which currently sits #3 on our review website, does have a few changes on their website, both on their homepage and…
fakediploma.co.uk review
This site is currently shut down and no longer operating. Today I’m doing a quick fakediploma.co.uk review. I hope it helps our readers choose the best fake diploma! QUALITY OF WEBSITE At first review, this website seems pretty legit. They make it clear that you’re not breaking any laws, which is good to hear because…
New Review :: BuyaFakeDiploma.com
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a new review on my blog, but I’ve been keeping busy with my day job lately! However, I have had time to review one more new site: BuyaFakeDiploma.com ! A few people have sent me tickets, asking about this newer site out there calling themselves “BuyaFakeDiploma” that is gaining…